Assessment Process

Preparation and Orientation

• Convene a designated Assessment Leadership Team.

• Determine need and purpose for assessment.

• Make a draft list of who will participate in the assessment – the more the better! Try to include everyone in the alliance who has direct contact with alliance work.

• Identify kinds of support that people may need to engage in the assessment: Translation, Reminders, Incentives, Understanding the Terms and Levels in the Assessment, etc.

• Agree on process and participants. Set date for launch and response deadline. Communicate to everyone.

• Account administrator signs up the alliance. (Technical support available if you have problems!)

• Account administrator invites participants.


• Introduce the assessment process to everyone who will participate. Best if there is a group message that goes out to all alliance members who will be involved and then maybe a conference call or meeting. Explain that the process is confidential and no names will appear with results.

• Participants complete survey by set date.

• Note: Our Healthy Alliance asks participants to choose a description that most matches your alliance’s practices in each category.  Most alliances don’t fit exactly into one level. When you read the conditions or characteristics associated with a particular level, you may feel your alliance is “a little bit of this and a little bit of that.” You may be in transition between stages or different aspects of the alliance may be in several different stages at the same time. This is normal.


• Reports are produced through Our Healthy Alliance once everyone has completed the assessment. Facilitator will assist with analysis via phone or video conference calls. Typically involves one or two team meetings.

• Short report to board/staff (to ensure confidentiality, no names or identifiers are included in report).

• Identify significant findings regarding rankings, patterns, themes, and strategic issues in need of attention.


• Present findings (first to lead team, then to full alliance).

• Discuss and agree on action steps/plans for moving forward and addressing concerns.

• Our Healthy Alliance faciliators will support Analysis and Action Plan with phone support or in-person facilitation depending on the package your alliance chooses.


RoadMap and / or Movement Strategy Center can provide tailored capacity-building support to implement your Action Plan.  These engagements are designed to meet your priorities and may run over several months or up to a year.